More about possibilities…

Access Consciousness


Access Consciousness ~

Access Consciousness offers a delightful smorgasbord of tools designed to stimulate your consciousness and expand your awareness! Under this multi-faceted umbrella, Jennifer offers 3 potent in-person sessions, each with their unique flavor:

~Access Bars:

Imagine a serene spa day for your brain! During an Access Bars session, 32 points on your head get a gentle touch. This can lead to the release of all those thought patterns, feelings, and beliefs that have been hidden away like dust bunnies under your bed. Let the bliss in!

~Access Body Processes:

This one's a body-love fest! These processes encourage your body to unlock and release trauma and stuck energies through gentle touch and intention. Think of it as your body singing “Thank you!” while it melts into a lighter and brighter version of you.

~Symphony of Possibility Sessions

Ready for a concert of consciousness? Symphony sessions are all about tapping into the infinite possibilities of your being. It’s like a dance party for your energy, where you can connect deeply with your essence and tune into the symphonies of the universe.

Each modality is a chance to easily and blissfully shift into a state of greater ease and joy, leaving you refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to embrace whatever life has in store!